Free/Flat Rate Same-Day Delivery available
This includes orders in the following cities:

(Cutoff time for same day delivery is 5:00pm & orders will get delivered between 5:30-9pm)

  • Order below $49.99 (before Tax) will be charged a flat rate of $6.99
  • Order above $49.99 (before Tax) will be charged a flat rate of $5.99
  • Order above $99.99 (before Tax) will be charged a flat rate of $4.99
  • Order above $199.99(before Tax) FREE Delivery.

Shop instore and have your order delivered at you address in the given delivery timings.

 When ordering online, if you receive an error message that your address is incorrect please text or call the store.

**Canada wide shipping available as well**

Shipping available Canada wide through Canada Post/UPS/Purolator/Canpar and other shipping provider.

While placing an order, flat price of $15.99 will be charged however if the shipping price exceeds the flat price, customer will be notified for the difference. Payment for the difference is required to release the order from the warehouse. Overnight shipping available for extra charge. Tracking information will sent over the provided email.

Note: No Liability on Frozen/Refrigerated Items.